Sunday, May 11, 2008

More On Homeland Security's Health System

The Washington Post, fresh from a Pulitizer Prize for its coverage of the neglect of wounded Iraq returnees at Walter Reade Hospital, is now taking on a series about health care -- or the absence thereof -- in the detention centers of ICE. The story of death and neglect was already broken by the NY Times. (See blogs for May 5th and 7th.) But the Post goes into greater depth -- six article with maps, videos and sidebars. CBS's 60 Minutes also aired a segment on the issue working with the Post.

The NY Times reports that both the Obama and McCain forces are planning in detail for the fall campaign. Both candidates' strategies will be wooing the independent voters and the Latino vote. The Times didn't consider a strategy for Hillary Clinton. In the Democratic primaries Clinton had done extremely well with Hispanics -- even in Illinois. Both Obama and McCain are viewed as generally friendly, but the Latino community had perceived some back sliding in the early primaries. Any other Republican would have written off Hispanics, but McCain assumes their vote is in play.

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