Saturday, April 19, 2008

Homeland Security Secretary Visits The Border

An LA Times report accompanied Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff as he tour the border from Yuma, AZ, to McAllen, TX. He was review progress -- or the lack thereof -- on the "virtual fence". The bugs were many and displeased the secretary.

The Mexico's National Commission on Human Rights has published two comic books -- one for Mexicans and the other directed at Central Americans -- highlighting the dangers of trying to get into the U.S. illegally. One danger graphically illustrated is the loss of legs by a migrant falling asleep and slipping under a train's wheels. Another is the ambushing of a group of migrants in the Arizona desert by thieves. The government hopes to distribute the comics widely. (See Arizona Republic article.) These comics follow an earlier one -- much protested by anti-immigrant groups in the U.S. -- released by the Foreign Ministry detailing how to successfully and safely navigate the journey north. Many observers of the migration from Mexico do not believe these books will be much of deterrent.

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